Should you ever argue with me

Writer's Journal

If you ever have the sweet joy of arguing with me on some topic, whether in person or online, you may find that I will argue strongly against you, perhaps even aggressively. Furthermore, should I give you the impression that I think you are foolish or ignorant, just know that unless I say so explicitly (which I think seldom happens), I am just arguing against your argument. I am not saying anything about you.

New look and a few changes

Writer's Journal

This evening/early morning I updated the theme of this blog to a simpler two-color theme.  I feel that the new look fits my style more than the previous one did.  For one, I am happy the header image displays in a way I like versus the previous theme.  Although the copyright license that I use for this website has not changed, the legal information has been put in a separate page called Legal.  Another change I have made is there now is a list of categories and a tag cloud at the bottom of the page.