Introducing Scratchpad


Scratchpad is now live. The purpose of Scratchpad is to have a space where I can completely disregard the idea of polish and take a more anarchic approach to art, thumbing my nose at any rules I wish to ignore. I have needed somewhere I can test out new ideas and be free to make something terrible. You should never expect anything here to be refined. It is, and always will be, a messy space.

Diminishing the role of my smartphone

Writer's Journal

Unlike people in their teens or early twenties, I did not grow up with smartphones. There were no apps or YouTube. Only books, my Sony Walkman, television, and my own imagination. As a kid I spent more time on books, my imagination, or playing outside than I spent on television. Yet later in my teens, video games eventually took a larger role in how I spent my free time. Eventually, in my late teens and early twenties my first laptop computer became where I spent most of my time, and most of that time was spent reading online. Today the smartphone has largely replaced my laptop in terms of time spent on it as well as being the primary place where I read.