Should you ever argue with me

Writer's Journal

If you ever have the sweet joy of arguing with me on some topic, whether in person or online, you may find that I will argue strongly against you, perhaps even aggressively. Furthermore, should I give you the impression that I think you are foolish or ignorant, just know that unless I say so explicitly (which I think seldom happens), I am just arguing against your argument. I am not saying anything about you.

Finding new peace in letting go

Writer's Journal

There is a newfound peace in letting go, being free inside once again. Once I was the prisoner to the unrequited affection I had to one I called my friend. Hard, so terribly hard, it was to accept that it was unbalanced, that I cared, and showed more care, than I received. The silence and neglect was unbearable, but the day came when I finally took my mother’s advice to release her, to accept that my friend she was no longer.

An especially exhausting day

Writer's Journal

I am at that point today where I feel like I should just cry, and maybe that would be best. Today was exhausting and yet there are things I still need to work on for my classes so I don’t fall behind. I can’t help but feel like I just want to disconnect for a few hours and then go to bed.

Although some both fun and funny things happened today in the studio, the session went too long and was tiring. I didn’t sleep enough for my needs last night and the night prior, so I was tired once I arrived to school. When the studio session was over and everything put away, I felt like going home even though I still needed to make a silver gelatin print for a competition I am want to enter before the deadline on Wednesday.

Thanks a lot

Writer's Journal

I am happy to say that I finished shooting for a photo competition I am entering. The clock is ticking and the deadline nearing, but I should be able to make my print for Ilford’s Lyrically Speaking student competition tomorrow. Then I will send my print off and wait to see what happens.

Despite my happiness, I do have one issue that is bugging me. I was going to work with someone who was going to model for me, and although she agreed to do it, she never followed up with me on locking in Monday after class as our shoot. Nor did she make any attempt to just show up knowing I wanted that time for shooting. (The thing to note is that she was the one who suggested working after class on either Monday or Tuesday.)