A New Direction


It is time for a change. The Liquid Roses hasn’t had a new blog post since September and little to no activity on social media from around the same time, but there are a few reasons for that. For one, college. My college photography degree has been where most of my time has gone recently (apart from my becoming-more-and-more-unhealthy consumptive relationship with social media and the Web–but I am trying to fight that as much as possible). Another reason is that the Liquid Roses took a backseat to developing a new website for my P.R. Ramer brand, the brand under which I intend to do most of my professional photography. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I came to the realization after I created my P.R. Ramer brand that the Liquid Roses’s original role had been largely supplanted.

New look and a few changes

Writer's Journal

This evening/early morning I updated the theme of this blog to a simpler two-color theme.  I feel that the new look fits my style more than the previous one did.  For one, I am happy the header image displays in a way I like versus the previous theme.  Although the copyright license that I use for this website has not changed, the legal information has been put in a separate page called Legal.  Another change I have made is there now is a list of categories and a tag cloud at the bottom of the page.